Paddling around giant icebergs in a glacial lake is an unforgettable experience
Paddling next to icebergs in Nizina Lake on a beautiful sunny day
A Relaxing Adventure
Paddling around a glacial lake filled with icebergs is both exciting and relaxing. There’s no need to carry a heavy backpack while exploring the Alaska wilderness. An inflatable kayak or a packraft can be easily transported along with your camping gear, even in a bush plane, to the most remote areas of the park. Then you can leisurely paddle around the giant icebergs, return to the comfort of your camp and even go for a hike later that same day for a multi-day multi-sport adventure.
If you are not experienced or equipped for this type of trip then hire a guide.
1 hour timelapse of kayakers navigating through a maze of floating icebergs
Dynamic Environment
Icebergs move. That is one of the first things that you will realize after spending a day paddling in a glacial lake. The movement, however, is so slow that you won’t notice it at first. It’s only after a few hours that you will likely return to a previous location to find that the floating ice chunks are in a different place.
Walking on an iceberg
Walk on an Iceberg
Sometimes an iceberg is stable enough and easy to access by boat. Walking on an big floating piece of ice is quite a thrill!
NOTE: Walking on an iceberg is inherently risky due to their unpredictable nature. DO NOT approach an iceberg unless you are very experienced in reading iceberg activity and glacier travel in general. Even if you are very experienced, approach icebergs with extreme caution and do so at your own risk.
Kayaking next to massive icebergs
Feel Small
The grandeur of the Alaskan landscape will be immediately apparent as you cruise around giant icebergs. You will realize just how small you are while sitting in a tiny kayak next to a chunk of ice the size of a building.
Evening reflections in a glacial lake
Alaska is a photographer’s dream. There are so many opportunities to take amazing photos. When the winds calm down and the air is still the reflections of the icebergs and mountains are magical.
Camping next to an iceberg-filled lake
Epic Campsites
Camping next to an iceberg-filled lake is a truly unique experience. There aren’t many places in the world where this is possible. So this will certainly be one of the most epic campsites that you can find!
(Photo Left) Sea Kayaking in Icy Bay
(Photo Right) Flying over the Guyot Glacier and Icy Bay
Coastal Kayaking
For an even more adventurous experience, plan a sea kayaking trip in a coastal area such as Icy Bay. This type of trip is much more difficult in planning logistics, navigating the terrain, finding campsites, negotiating ocean currents, dealing with weather effects on ocean water and understanding tide tables. But the rewards are nothing less than spectacular! The views of the massive hanging glaciers, the big mountains and the seals and sea lions swimming all around you make for an unforgettable trip of a lifetime.